Onboarding New Employees and Maximizing Success


Onboarding New Employees and Maximizing Success


After effective recruitment and selection, strategic use of induction is one of the most important ways for organizations to improve the effectiveness and effectiveness of their skill management systems (Talya, 2010). This should always be a priority for HR departments, as more than 25 percent of the working population in the U.S. experiences professional transitions each year. About 500,000 managers in Fortune 500 companies alone take on new roles each year. Managers start new jobs every two or four years (Talya, 2010). The new employee orientation is to bring people into the organization and help them adapt so that they can perform their tasks effectively, this process goes by many other names, including onboarding, induction, and socialization (Strewart and Brown, 2011).

People are more likely to leave during the first few months of hiring (Gusdorf, 2008). Usually, the job turned out to be something they did not expect, this can be costly for your organization and if you continue to repeat the recruitment process for the same positions and the human resources will be stressed and of course, it will also be stressful for new hires (Gusdorf, 2008). Onboarding is the recognition and acceptance of employees when they join a company and provide them with the basic information they need to settle down quickly and happily and start working (Armstrong, 2014).

Benefits of Onboarding

·         New tenants adapt quickly and smoothly to the social and performance aspects of their new job. (Talya, 2010).

·         Quickly establish a positive attitude towards the organization in the minds of new employees, and then they are more likely to stay (Armstrong, 2014).

·         Receive a productive output from the new employee in the shortest possible time (Armstrong, 2014).

·         Reduce the likelihood that the employee will leave early (Armstrong, 2014).

                                                            Video 1.0 – How to Onboarding New Employee


                                                                Source: (Gregg Learning, 2016).       

Video 1.0 Shows, Onboarding delivery, onboarding building blocks, levels of onboarding, the process of onboarding success, best practice and onboarding checklist.


Way of the onboarding success

Researchers have identified four major levers related to both job roles and social environment that organizations can use to help new employees maximize their onboarding success (Talya, 2010).


Figure 1.0 –Way of the successful onboarding.

                                                Source: (Talya, 2010).


Self-efficacy: To the degree that a new employee feels confident in doing the job well, he or she will be more motivated and eventually more successful than less confident counterparts (Talya, 2010). 

Roleclarity : how well a new employee understands his or her role and expectations (Talya, 2010).

Social integration: Meeting and starting to work with organizational “insiders” is an important aspect of learning about any organization and new employees need to feel socially comfortable and accepted by their peers and superiors (Talya, 2010).

Knowledge of and fit within an organizational culture: Every company has a unique culture, so helping new hires navigate that culture and their place within it is essential (Talya, 2010).



Armstrong, M. (2014) Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Thirteenth edition. London: Kogan Page.

Gusdorf, M. (2008) Recruitment and Selection: Hearing the Right Person. First edition. Alexandria: SHRM Academic Initiatives.

Strewart, L. and Brown, G. (2011) Human Resource Management. Second edition. United States: John Wiley & Sons.  

Gregg Learning (2016) How to onboarding new Employee [online video] Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CTisexbau8&t=755s [Accessed 25 November 2020].

Talya, N. (2010) Onboarding-New-Employees. First edition. USA: SHRM Foundation.


  1. While I agree on the statements brought in by you on the benefits of onboard process, I suggest that your blog would be more completed if you added the below goals of the onboarding process too to the blog:
    • Ensuring a new employee is prepared to contribute early and effectively in his/her new role.
    • Increasing the employee's comfort level in the team and the workplace.
    • Encouraging employee engagement and commitment.(A.J. O'Connor Associates, 2007)

    1. Hi Malika Thanks to your contribution and add this also, Engagement can be regarded as having three overlapping components: motivation and commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) as defined below. A model of engagement containing these components produced by the Institute for Employment Studies Work or job engagement is also associated with job satisfaction (Schaufenbue, 2015).

  2. Recruitment can sometimes be frustrating with all the policies and procedures that there are to follow. For an example, there is a vacancy in your team, and you want it filling as soon as possible to get your team back up to full capacity, but it is not always that easy. Although, it can sometimes seem like another hoop to jump through, having an effective recruitment and selection policy ensures a transparent and fair recruitment process that helps SHRM/Recruitment professionals to select the right candidate (Benefits of an effective Recruitment and Selection policy 2019).

    1. Hi Romesh, Onboarding and Recruitment two process, But they are linked with each others. Add this also Every time a new employee is hired, the organization faces a challenge. New employees should be helped by shifting from being casual only with the organization to becoming aware and comfortable with their role in the organization. The new employee orientation is to bring people into the organization and help them adapt so that they can perform their tasks effectively and efficiently (Armstrong, 2014).

  3. New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the team.

    Onboarding new hires at an organization should be a strategic process that lasts at least one year, staffing and HR experts say, because how employers handle the first few days and months of a new employee's experience is crucial to ensuring high retention (SHRM).

    1. Onboarding is one of the methods that helps employees to succeed in their careers, which helps employees to succeed in their jobs and prepare for future jobs in the organization (Roy, 2010).

  4. Recruitment agencies have seen extensive changes over the years. Current recruitment trends include social networking. Old recruitment methods (such as billboard advertising) have been minimized with the rise of the internet (Bill, 2012).

    1. Hi Malinga add this for you, Every time a new employee is hired, the organization faces a challenge. New employees should be helped to move from being loosely associated with the organization to becoming aware and comfortable with their role in the organization (Talya N. Bauer, 2010). Recruitment agencies can play an important role here. At the time of recruiting those employees

  5. Kumar (2017) states that ,The objective of the onboarding procedure is to develop a long haul relationship between the business and the worker while encouraging a sentiment having a place and a confirmation of settling on the right decision. Each business is distinctive, so there isn't one right approach to handle the onboarding procedure of new contracts. Notwithstanding, recall that initial introductions last, so put fourth the additional push to make the most ideal early introductions.

    1. Onboarding is the process of helping a new employee adapt quickly and smoothly to the social and performance aspects of their new jobs (Talya, 2010).

  6. Most recruitment and selection processes have elements of subjective judgement inherent in the process, but treating job applicants in a professional and positive manner is more likely to leave them, whether they are successful or not, with a positive view of the organization creating a positive impact for the next recruitment process(Finegold, 2004).

    1. Hi Kalum, Every time a new employee is hired, the organization faces a challenge. New employees should be helped to move from being casual only with the organization (an outsider) to becoming aware and comfortable with their role in the organization (Strewart and Brown, 2011).

  7. According to Feldman’s stage model, Louis (1980) suggested that induction orientation for on boarding newcomer adjustment was not only a process of ‘adding new roles to their portfolio of life roles’, but also involved a process of leaving a former role. Differing from Feldman’s overwhelming emphasis on activities newcomers may engage in after entering an organization, Louis focused on the newcomers’ experience in coping with surprises and making sense of the new settings. Specifically, Louis identified ‘change’, ‘contrast’ and ‘surprise’ as key features of the newcomers’ experience after organizational entry. Individuals Can not erase all the memories of former roles before settling into the new role. Therefore, newcomers were inclined to subconsciously undertake role change by interrelating with new settings and using previous experiences to manage surprise.

    1. The job should be a good qualification for the new employee and the organization. People are at higher risk of leaving during the first few months on a rental basis. Usually the job turned out to be something they did not expect. This is costly for your organization and stressful for human resources if you continue to repeat the recruitment process for the same positions; Of course, it is also stressful for new tenants (Gusdorf, 2008).

  8. Effective onboarding organizations serve several connection mechanisms including assigning mentors key introductions, key stakeholder check-ins, and the effective use of technology during the onboarding process. for example, Microsoft assigns mentors to new employees at all levels of the organization and those individuals are part of the new employee orientation program, and the mentor serves as a key relationship for new employees (Bauer, 2015).

    1. Agree Eranga, A mentor can teach new employees about the organization, provide advice, assist with job counselling, and provide social and political support. New employees can go to counsellors with questions that they are reluctant to ask their managers for fear of being inefficient. One study found that new employees with mentors were more knowledgeable about their new organizations than new employees without mentors. New employees have found that if they spend time with a mentor, they are more likely to learn and internalize key values in their organization's culture (Talya, 2010).

  9. Companies need to take a serious look at how they are integrating new hires into the organization. Although on boarding has received attention in human resources circles, typical programs remain haphazard, limited in scope, and disconnected from a firm’s larger strategy (Christiansen,2010)

    1. Each company has its own version of the complex process by which new tenants learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviours needed to operate effectively and efficiently. Researchers studying the keyboard use the term corporate socialization. Whatever the terminology, the bottom line is that the sooner new hires are welcomed and feel ready for their jobs, the more successful they will be able to contribute to the company’s mission (Talya, 2010).


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