Methods of recruitment


Methods of recruitment 

Types of recruitment are broadly classified into two different categories. These are the internal sources and external sources (Kapur, 2018). 

Internal sources of recruitment

Recruiting people who are already working for the organization is relatively easy. Internal recruitment is usually done through job postings, where companies share information about job vacancies with current employees using communication channels (Strewart and Brown, 2011). This is an important source of recruitment and provides opportunities for the progress and use of existing resources within the organization. Internal sources of recruitment are the best and stress-free way to select human resources and their qualities are already known to the organization. There are two primary forms of internal recruitment – promotions and transfers (Kapur, 2018).

Promotions – It is the process of transferring an employee from a lower position to a higher position with more responsibilities, pay, facilities, and status (Kapur, 2018). Many organizations use promotion from within as a motivation tool and a reward for good work or longevity with the organization and this the only opportunity for career growth and increased income is to move up within the current organization (Gusdorf, 2008).

Transfers – The transfer is the process of transferring from one job to another without any change in position and responsibilities, it happens usually based on job requirements and employee capabilities (Kapur, 2018). Transfers are also important in giving employees a broader vision of the organization they need for future promotions (Dayal, 2015).

External sources of recruitment

Internal candidates should be the first focus. In addition, it is always worthwhile to try to persuade former employees to return to the organization or seek suggestions from existing employees (referrals). If these approaches do not work, the sources of candidates are online recruiting, social media, advertising, recruitment agencies, job centers, consultants, recruitment process outsourcing providers, and direct approaches to educational establishments (Armstrong, 2014).  Google uses effective recruitment is current employee referrals. Current employees will receive a $ 2,000 bonus for each new employee who assists in employee recruitment. Google works closely with university professors to ensure that they direct their best students to jobs (Strewart and Brown, 2011). Source Description Advantages Disadvantages

Social media and E- recruitment

                                                            Video 1.0 - online and mobile recruitment methods

                                                                    Source - (Techno Creats, 2017)

Video 1.0 Shows the e-recruitment and social media method and way of work and it explain the advantages and drawbacks of e-recruitment and social media.

Social media and e-recruitment use the Internet to advertise or ‘post’ vacancies provide information about jobs and organizations and allow e-mail communication between employers and candidates (Armstrong, 2014). Websites are more effective when they include information about the work environment, benefits, and company diversity (Strewart and Brown, 2011).


Many recruiters prefer advertisements because of their broader accessibility, and ads provide job descriptions and information on how to apply ((Dayal, 2015).) The purpose of an ad should be: attract attention, create and maintain interest, and stimulate action (Armstrong, 2006). Print advertising has historically been widely used but is now being replaced by electronic advertising, which includes popular commercial job sites and company websites (Strewart and Brown, 2011). Figure 2.0 illustrates a job Advertisement for Mc Donald UAE (Dubai vacancy, 2020).  However, the job description is not included, which is the main weakness of this advertisement. This advertisement is not effective and will result in a waste of money.

                                            Figure 2.0 -  Example of Job advertisement in McDonald UAE.

                            Source: (Dubai vacancy, 2020).

Recruitment agencies

Most recruitment agencies work with registered secretaries and office staff and usually quick and effective but quite expensive (Armstrong, 2014). Private employment agencies are professional recruiters with extensive networks that help identify job seekers with specific skills (Strewart and Brown, 2011).

Jobcentre Plus

Government-run job centers are primarily useful for manual and clerical staff and sales or call center assistants (Armstrong, 2014). Public employment agencies provide free resources suitable for job seekers and employers (Strewart and Brown, 2011). 

Recruitment consultants

Advertising, interviewing, and producing a shortlist of recruitment consultants. They provide special is knowledge and reduce workload (Armstrong, 2014).

Educational and training establishments

Many jobs can be filled by school leavers. For some organizations, universities, and colleges as well as schools are the main sources of recruitment for training schemes (Armstrong, 2006). This method is also quite expensive and the candidates, in this case, have no experience, so the company will have to bear more cost for their training (Christopher and Assuming, 2018).

A summary of sources and an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages is given in Table 1.0 (Armstrong, 2014).

Table 1.0 - Summary of the source of candidates.

Source: (Armstrong, 2014)



Armstrong, M. (2006) Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Tenth edition. London: Kogan Page.

Armstrong, M. (2014) Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Thirteenth edition. London: Kogan Page.

Christopher, I. and Assuming, J. (2018)  Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Practices. European Scientific Journal, 14(13) 203.

Dayal, A. (2015) Recruitment and Selection Process [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 November 2020].

Dubai vacancy (2020) Job Vacancy [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 November 2020].

Gusdorf, M. (2008) Recruitment and Selection: Hearing the Right Person. First edition. Alexandria: SHRM Academic Initiatives.

Kapur, R. (2018) Recruitment and Selection. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 November 2020].

Strewart, L. and Brown, G. (2011) Human Resource Management. Second edition. United States: John Wiley & Sons.  

Techno Creats (2017) E-Recruitment [online video] Available from [Accessed 15 November 2020].

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